ROB JARMAN 07884436511

 One to one or boot camps?

Everyone is different and everyone is looking for different results, below are a few options that could work for you, but the best and easiest way is to book a free introduction session, meet Rob and have a good chat about your goals and ideas.

Working with a personal trainer can be a life changing experience, but it doesnt have to break the bank. Custom programs to suit your needs and budget are easily organised and meeting Rob on a one to one level is a great way to get the ball rolling and to see if a good training relationship can be built.



BOOT CAMPS....week/weekend or just one day. From £200.00

LIFE CHANGER....20 weeks. From £200.00

ZERO to HERO Body transformation plan....12 weeks. From £120.00

28 day FAT BUSTER... from £80.00

Monthly training mentor....1,2,3,4 times per week/month. From £40.00 

Custom training....(Please contact Rob for more info)